Kyiv Classic Orchestra vs. Students of KPI
2 October
Concert collaboration in honor of International Music Day

International Music Day was established in 1975 by the International Music Council (IMC) at UNESCO and is celebrated worldwide on the first day of October. This year, the Kyiv Classic Orchestra, led by Herman Makarenko, a UNESCO Artist for Peace, has launched a new initiative aimed at working with a young audience – a symphony orchestra introduces students to the best examples of the world's music treasure trove.

The national technical university of Ukraine, the "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", became the first. The Kyiv Classic Orchestra will host a concert at the KPI Center of Culture and Arts with the participation of music groups, ensembles, and soloists of the country's leading higher education institution. The unique collaboration is the start of a significant project that offers young musicians a new platform for creative realization.

On October 2 Kyiv Classic Orchestra meets event participants and holiday guests with the music program "Harmony of the Universe".

KPI Center for Culture and Arts
37, Peremohy av., Kyiv
(044) 204 91 32
Starts at 17:30